Conversion Rate Optimisation

I specialise in refining your digital experience to increase user engagement and maximise conversions. Whether it's optimising your sales funnel, improving user interaction, or identifying and removing roadblocks, my comprehensive CRO approach ensures your website is performing its best

Proud to partner with Webtrends Optimize

my workflow

My CRO process is built around collaboration, experimentation, and constant improvement. Here’s how I work to improve your website’s performance:




discovery & audit

I begin by conducting a thorough audit of your website’s current performance. By analysing user behavior, conversion data, and website analytics, I pinpoint areas that need improvement. This data-driven approach allows me to identify quick wins as well as long-term strategies for success.

hypothesis development

Based on the audit, I develop hypotheses for how to improve your conversion rates. These hypotheses are the foundation for my experiments. Each hypothesis is clearly defined, with measurable objectives and expected outcomes.

experiment design

I work closely with your in-house design and development teams to design experiments tailored to your website. This collaborative process ensures that all technical and creative elements are aligned, and experiments are implemented efficiently.

A/B testing & experimentation

With the power of Webtrends Optimize and a clear hypothesis in place, I work with your developers implement A/B tests or multivariate tests. During this phase, your website visitors will experience different variations of the elements being tested, such as landing page designs, call-to-action buttons, or copy changes. Each test is closely monitored to track performance.

validation & monitoring

As the tests run, I oversee the experiments to ensure accurate data collection and interpretation. My role is to validate the results of each test, making sure the conclusions are statistically sound. Once the data is collected, I analyse the impact of each experiment and provide actionable insights.

implementation & iteration

Once a successful experiment is validated, I work with your in-house teams to implement the winning variation site-wide. Optimisation is an ongoing process, so I continuously review results, refine strategies, and run further tests to keep improving.

how I work

I believe in clear, open communication and seamless integration with your existing teams. I collaborate directly with your in-house designers and developers to not only implement experiments but also champion a culture of “test & learn” within your organisation. My goal is to foster continuous improvement through data-driven decisions.

In addition to working with in-house teams, I also offer white-label services to agencies, helping them boost their resource capacity and service offerings. Whether working internally or with external partners, I strive to ensure that my approach fits seamlessly into existing structures.

To keep communication clear and accessible for all, I typically use a Trello Kanban board for managing experiments and progress. However, I’m flexible and can adapt to established project management tools and processes within your team.

Please note that this service is only available on a retainer agreement basis, ensuring ongoing support and continuous optimisation for your business.


Collaborative Approach I work hand-in-hand with your designers and developers to create seamless, high-impact experiments.

Data-Driven Decisions Every experiment is grounded in solid data and rigorous testing.

Proven Expertise With years of experience in CRO, I know how to optimize your website for better conversions.

Flexible Engagement Whether you need a CRO expert to champion testing culture within your team or a white-label partner to boost your agency’s services, I am here to help.

why choose me?